About Us
We are a community of people committed to following Jesus Christ and communicating his message of loveOur Values
We are a church that values and encourages:
All ages — all age groups are encouraged and supported to participate in and receive from our worship, our church services and our ministries.
Participation — we learn with and through each other. We make room for the diversity and richness of giftings across all who call TBCC ‘home’.
Service — all of us have ‘gifts’ and empowered abilities that bless others and serve Christ’s mission on earth. We seek to enable all to serve their wider communities in Jesus’ name.
God experiences — Because we serve the Living God, we expect to experience His presence and the outworking of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
To realise this vision and outwork these values, we seek to:
1. Accept, value and care for everyone God brings to us, regardless of age, culture or background.
2. Meet regularly for worship, prayer and learning from the Bible as God’s word for today.
3. Work together in proclaiming the Good News to people in our community through word and action.
4. Develop and maintain a vigorous commitment to world mission.
5. Show that our faith and worship are relevant for all areas of our lives.
6. Set people free to use their gifts in the service of others and to become what God wants them to be.
7. Develop strong supportive relationships, with special consideration for children.
TBCC is an autonomous church which is associated with the Open Brethren movement in New Zealand. A family church, it places emphasis on children, and has a vision for educating and nurturing them and their families in the Christian faith. Led by a group of elders, and assisted by staff, Ministry Groups and other leaders, the church is a member of the Porirua City Community Churches, (PC3) which includes The Anchor Community Church and Porirua Gospel Chapel. The church also pursues active cooperation with other churches in Titahi Bay.
What We Believe
As we understand it, the following statements are consistently taught in Scripture.
1. That all Scripture is inspired by God and is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice.
2. That the one living and true God eternally exists in three distinct persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
3. That men and women were created directly by God, and that by disobedience they fell into sin, thereby separating themselves from God. They are unable to save themselves.
4. That Jesus Christ is God the Son, and that through his virgin birth, the union of true humanity and full deity was effected in one person forever.
5. That the Lord Jesus Christ died upon the cross as a full and perfect substitutionary sacrifice for sins. His bodily resurrection and ascension to Heaven affirm him as Lord of all.
6. That salvation is entirely of God’s grace, through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Upon true repentance, the believer is forgiven and kept by the power of God.
7. That God the Holy Spirit has united all believers with Christ and indwells them to empower them in godly living.
8. That every believer is a priest to worship and serve God. Each one has spiritual gifts, given by the Holy Spirit, and to be used for the strengthening of the Church.
9. That the Church is composed of all true believers and that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only Head of His Church.
10. That a local church is under the direct authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, through his word, and that in obedience to Him, it is to practise the baptism of believers and the Lord’s Supper. Elders are responsible to God for the care and shepherding of His people.
11. That the personal, visible return of the Lord Jesus Christ will occur sometime in the future and will usher in the eternal blessing of Heaven for the believer and the future judgement of the unregenerate.
12. That believers live in the world under the mandate of the Great Commission, which calls us to tell the Good News about the Lord Jesus in all the world.
Structure and Leadership
Elders provide the spiritual leadership of the church and are appointed, subject to the approval of the church, for a term of 5 years at which time they step down, but may be re-appointed. Eldership is open to men and women. There are typically between 5-6 elders serving at any one time. All the elders endeavour to be available at any time for prayer, advice, and spiritual counsel.
TBCC Ministries
The Elders are supported in their leadership of the church by a number of ministry groups which collectively provide leadership for most aspects of church life.
Missions: Responsible for support and communication with mission partners. This includes budgets, support payments, policies, mission reporting, and pastoral care.
Pastoral Care: Responsible for planning and coordinating pastoral care within the church. This includes Hospitality, Prayer Chain, Food Bank, newcomers, Home Groups, visitation, and care for the sick.
Strategy: To investigate and plan special projects as required.
Service Planning: Responsible for planning and coordinating Sunday services. This includes rosters, direction, teaching themes, flow and impact, communion, intergenerational services, links closely with eldership.
Prayer: Responsible for regular prayer meetings and initiatives. This includes monthly prayer meetings, prayer initiatives,
Children/Youth: Responsible for planning and coordinating teaching and activities for our children and young people. This includes resources, teaching rosters, teacher training, programs, camps, health and safety.
Building Maintenance: Responsible for all things to do with the church property. This includes repairs and maintenance, cleaning, grounds, signage, insurance, chattels, working bees, implementing health and safety recommendations.
Finance: Responsible for financial matters within the church. This includes budgets, payments, wages, banking, offerings, speaker koha’s.
Administration: Responsible for office and administration duties. This includes email & mail correspondence, newsletter, welcoming and morning tea rosters, phones, photocopying, stationery, kitchen supplies, contacts lists & church phone directory.
TBCC Support
Alongside the leadership and Ministry groups there is also a secretary, treasurer and property manager. Over the years TBCC has employed a number of people to assist with the vision and implementation of that vision. These roles typically revolve around Facilitation/Administration of church life and a Children and Families focus. Most staff have been based in the church office.

Pastor Max Faletutulu
Community Pastor
In 2017, the church appointed Max Faletutulu as our full-time Community Pastor/Ministry Leader. Max and Sarona and family moved into the church house on Kapiti Crescent.