Titahi Bay Community Church is an independent, evangelical church in Porirua, north of Wellington, New Zealand. Our main family service for the week is each Sunday morning at 10am. It runs until about 11:30 with morning tea served afterwards, and the occasional shared lunch. Services are meant to be family friendly and relaxed. There are creche facilities for 0-4 year olds and classes during the morning for school-aged children. Services start with about 30 minutes of shared time together before the children head to their classes in the rooms at the rear of the church. The adults then spend some further time listening to a biblical talk which often results in a time of shared feedback and discussion. There is also frequently a quieter time of prayer and reflection. We have a wide range of musicians in the church, so singing praise and worship songs together ranges from traditional hymns through to more contemporary songs. Songs are used throughout the morning. Formerly known as Titahi Bay Gospel Chapel, the church celebrated its Jubilee (50 years) in 2011.

The church has a number of community groups that come and use the premises during the week for their meetings and activities. If you would like to make an enquiry about using the hall click below.
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